@kyouteki I used to dye my hair and scream at passer-bys. Then I drank Black Rifle Coffee. Now I have a family that loves me and am a pillar of my community.
Everyone be forewarned this coffee will change your life.
I know there are people who love their guns, but not even 4 months ago, there was a mass shooting in my town. People died. This isn’t a game, these aren’t toys. I heard the shots, I knew someone who isn’t around anymore. This isn’t some “you vs me” thing. People are dead. People will continue to die until we can work together and improve the mental health and awareness of EVERYONE out there. I’m tired of living in fear I may be next just for existing the way I am, nobody should be afraid to just exist.
Be good to one another, think about your actions and remember, at the end of the day, your neighbor is still your neighbor.
@mikesmells I am on the same page as you. About 7 or 8 months ago I had just crossed, in the dark, the parking lot where I live to my car. I heard angry male voices. Then there were 5 gunshots. IN. THE. PARKING. LOT. Fortunately I was on the far side of my car, ready to put something in the passenger seat, had my hand on the handle but hadn’t opened the door yet. I ducked behind my car. And waited. Took a month or so before I was able to go to my car at night without a great deal of angst. At one in the morning two people who live here who were drunk and high shot their guns into the air. And there was another incident that I don’t know the details other than I was inside that time too and heard the shots that others said was a fight on the sidewalk in front of our building. Fortunately nothing in the last 4 or 5 months. There is a law you can’t shoot off guns in the city for all the good that does. We are the murder capital of the nation (per capita).
@DylanPeck@PHRoG I appreciate you posting that article. It makes them sound like they are loved by the alt-right, but are not necessarily alt-right themselves.
I don’t have a positive view of the brand, but that article actually made me have a less negative view than I did before.
I am assuming there must be more damning information about the company out there, because this isn’t really it.
@DylanPeck@Limewater so, they’re very very good at the PR machine. They often dance on the line and then delete/retract or say they were “just joking lols” if they think it made them look bad enough.
They blog and post far-right content, then remove it. They appear on/advertise on alt-right media such as TV, podcasts, etc.
They deleted their Reddit AMA even because they went down in flames…but, here’s one post that explains them a bit too:
@omally MSNBC, CBS, CNN viewers seems to hate the truth. Truth hurts. Save our country and buy the damn coffee. All proceeds go to the Republican coffers. Thanks in advance
@bugger@omally John Green says their coffee sucks as much as their politics. Employees say they don’t even really support or stand for those right wing politics and it’s all marketing grift. not too surprised.
@omally We would never confuse the actual truth with Republican alternate facts/truths. Sit back and enjoy the truths coming out at the upcoming trials. Getting my popcorn ready
This veteran and coffee lover will pass. I’m content to keep sourcing the beans I use from a queer owned company.out of West Virginia and a Colorado company a hobo friend turned me on to.
Oh, and fair trade coffee I buy from the Presbyterian church.
Wouldn’t mind seeing those Rise nitro cold brews happen again though. They were interesting and pretty damned good.
@blaeries@bugger …knew you’d show up to this one with a raging hard-on.
I heard Trump personally jizzed in vat BRCC uses for these, moaning something about Epstein…I’m sure they’ll increase the 3 qty limit for ya if you ask nicely!
Oh, and BRCC absolutely, 100%, soruces shit from China you [needless name calling].
@blaeries@PHRoG LMAO You know you can search specific sites that show what companies source from China. This company absolutely does not. You insanely fucking wrong. Possibly one of the dumbest rants I’ve seen. [removed sexist and needless bad behavior]
@blaeries@PHRoG yep they bought all the machinery to make and package the coffee from China why you ask? Because NAFTA killed all the us companies and very few if any make the machinery needed to produce coffee. So your leftist voting forced BRCC to buy machinery from China. Just like apple, Tesla and thousands of other companies out there. Our choices are limited. So together. Me and you blaeries together can bring companies back to America. Vote Republican and save our country. Can I count on you??!
"According to the publication, Tesla is the most American car brand, with 100 percent of its sales coming from vehicles produced domestically. Ford is the next closest with 77.5 percent, and Honda landed at number three with 73.1 percent. "
bugger said: LMAO You know you can search specific sites that show what companies source from China. This company absolutely does not. You insanely fucking wrong.
/giphy uhmmm
…and, again, you’re wrong. You can absolutely hire a USA engineering firm to design such equipment and a USA fabrication team to build such equipment from USA based steel, parts, etc.
Also, it’s not limited to their equipment…their merchandise comes from China, their packaging does too. All of which is available from USA sources as well.
@blaeries@bugger@PHRoG it’s quite humorous that you insinuate that PHRoG should be insulted by playing in women’s sports. Many women athletes would stomp all over most people, let alone ones that allude to them being somehow less than that thing that’s being tucked. Maybe you should get on the pitch with the black ferns with that same rhetoric and see how that plays out!
@bugger bUt WhAt aBoUt cHiNA. What about the children who don’t come home from school one day, the grandmothers gunned down at supermarkets, the literal fear we live in on our HOME TURF. How often did you have to do lock down drills as a kid? Every child in America now has to plan ahead in case someone crazy enough comes in with a legally purchased rifle, thanks to the NRA’s lobbying. The leading cause of death in adolescents is gun violence. It has beaten cancer. You’d rather talk about anything that that and that’s just sad
I’m far enough left to loop around to thinking rifles are good, but regardless of what side you’re on this company sucks ass. (But I guess if they’ve landed here, they’re already not getting money from it.)
They routinely run overt anti-immigration and white supremacist ads and then pull the “LOL it’s a prank bro!!” defense when called out on it and delete everything.
Buy some Maxwell House and use the money you save on arming the less fortunate.
@brennyn I assume the same thing. They market themselves as far-right conservative, but the companies actions are the opposite. I guess trying to have both sides is catching up with them, but it helped the company explode in popularity. I see them all over the place now.
Their two-faced tactics make me wonder what type of people run the company, but only enough to make assumptions and not actually confirm.
Black Rifle has made glorifying fascists part of their brand (particularly Kyle Rittenhouse) and I hope they fail and I will never support them.
Meh is just trying to make a buck on some expired or expiring merchandise. I’d prefer they didn’t sell anything from Black Rifle but I don’t take it as an endorsement of the company.
Capitalism tells us to vote with our dollar but it’s better to vote with our votes. People trying to ‘own the libs’ by supporting these companies are just playing right into the some scheme that keeps us all under the boot of the ultra wealthy.
@redshift yeah. Very ironic that they think companies like this or candidates like Trump are actually on their side.
“They fight for people like me!”
No, they just exploit you for personal gain
@redshift LOL, what exactly is “fascist” about a company. In classical terminology not the synonym for “intolerant”. I get that they’re intolerant of their political opponent’s platform pieces but, fascist? Really? I’m genuinely curious what that even means nowadays. Certainly not the same thing it did when I was in political science, lol.
@House fascist as in supporting fascism. When a company exhaults a kid who murdered protesters peacefully pushing for change that’s a sign. When they use MAGA talking points that’s a sign. It’s all a way to signal that things used to be better and we need a big strong man to take us back there. That’s the whole alt right playbook. Even though better in the past applies to less and less people as you go backward.
Not sure if you are serious or not but here’s a good way to check what could be considered fascist. Higher score should raise some alarm bells.
“also their coffee sucks” which they don’t even roast it’s just subbed out from a large coffee co and they slap their fake label on it to dupe right wing rubes.
@nightforge You should check into to that. Located in Texas you can take a tour to prove your 1000% wrong. Leftist lies please stop. [Projecting] is not a good reason to try and fool people into your lies. Do some research. Couldn’t hurt ya to be right for a change. JMO
@bugger you really think those maga fanatics are giving positive reviews for the taste? Same reason they support Trump; he’s not a “good” candidate, but he “owns the libs” so they love him. Easy to win that lot over.
@nightforge Oh the YouTube video of a VERY SMALL and VERY UNKNOWN coffee company seems to show he hates all coffee companies except his. I guess he didn’t give a review on Amazon. Oops
@bugger “John, I actually worked for a company that produced Black Rifle Coffee (they don’t produce their own, they contract it out). Let me know if you have questions!”
but ok, hey if you want to buy crappy coffee to get a sticker and think you’re own’n the libs go ahead and waste your money. I’ll drink good coffee that pays it’s farmers with my buck. America.
@medz so you think all 1400 reviews are a bunch of crazy Trump lovers? Oh my fucking God that would be insane huh? What are the tunnel vision must be pretty insane to have.
@narfcake I’ve seen this guy’s coffee art before and I meant to post a pic here at some point - “coffee for narfcake” - but of course you’ve seen it already!
Everyone is so touchy…on both sides. If you want the coffee, buy it. If you don’t want the coffee, don’t buy it. Opinions don’t sway anyone. Dollars do.
@tnhillbillygal Agreed, I could care less about anyone’s political opinions that shop here (on either side). Makes me wish @mediocrebot would add a user block feature.
@bmansc@mediocrebot@tnhillbillygal It’d probably be a half-baked ‘mute’ feature; Remember our Lord and Savior Elon is going to eliminate the block from X/Twitter soon.
Elon is going to eliminate the block from X/Twitter soon
He has a little problem there. Certain places require that social media provide the capability. Meh doesn’t have to comply because Mediocre doesn’t officially do business in those places.
I knew the second I saw the product name, the discourse would be massive…this thread has shown me at least one user to avoid in future interactions, as well. I have never been an overly political person, but the depths to which some on the right will sink is truly sad. Basic human rights seem lost on them…I better stop before they come after me next LOL
@PooltoyWolf It sure is interesting how one person is responsible for roughly 1/4 of the comments. I sure hope meh allows them to buy 30-50 cases of this crap
@BradyisGoat Calling an entire group that you disagree with “nazis” is exactly what I’m talking about. It’s so over-the-top and sensationalized, it blows my mind. Again, get a grip. It’s like none of you have any idea what a nazi or fascism actually is.
@TBoneZeOriginal Compared with this company, Nestlé is much more lucrative and powerful, far more evil, and is most certainly responsible for large amounts of death and suffering worldwide. However, I am guessing that if Meh were to sell a Nestlé coffee brand, we wouldn’t see anywhere near this level of controversy. It is not so much an issue of ethics as one of perceived identity.
@dumb_cookie@TBoneZeOriginal the difference is Nestle is a global company that owns like 95% of our food supply. It’s basically impossible to avoid Nestle. And boycotting a single product from them would have zero impact on them or send any message. Nestle also doesn’t intentionally market to the alt-right. BRCC does, and is a small independent company who you can actually impact by letting your wallet do the talking.
@TBoneZeOriginal It’s really easy to discount the opinions and feelings of marginalized groups when you’re speaking from a position of privilege. Some groups are specifically targeted by fascists, and Black Rifle Coffee Company has reached out to and supported fascists in their marketing and advertising. It’s pretty simple - don’t buy BRCC products, and don’t buy BRCC products from Meh. Speak with your wallet, fascists have no place here.
…Godwin himself took to Facebook to let everyone know that if it walks like a Nazi and talks like a Nazi, you better let people know what it really is.
As for Black Rifle, I can tell from their trade dress that they embrace the aggression lifestyle that I despise, and at that point I do not care whether their politics are merely neocentrist or far right; they’re on my no-buy list.
I’m pretty disappointed in Meh for carrying this product. I think I’ll let my wallet do my talking for me by ending my membership and taking a break from the site.
Meh trying to get money from the MAGA crowd this morning?
Luckily for Meh those folks usually have more dollars than sense.
And even fewer taste buds apparently, if they enjoy this disgusting coffee.
Still pretty disappointing to see Meh jump in bed with an alt-right hate group. Going to think hard about whether I still want to be a paying member of this site.
@windfish113 Am I misunderstanding the business model here? Doesn’t this mean that the alt right maga coffee company couldn’t sell these at a profit so they sold them at a loss to Meh so meh can make a profit? Isn’t this like drinking a cup of MAGA tears or something like that?
@charliekno@Seeds now-- 1) if BRCC was filing for bankruptcy because of their failed marketing campaign, and 2) Meh got this one-off purchase dirt cheap as a result, and 3) The ‘coffee’ tasted decent and didn’t have ~15+ bizarre ingredients in it, maybe it’d be time to celebrate.
@charliekno@windfish113 Buying this stuff from Meh will effectively tell them that it’s okay to support fascists, since they “helped out” BRCC by buying otherwise unsellable stock from them (Meh buys nearly-expired stock from retailers and vendors, which is why food/drink products are usually only 1-2 months away from “use by” dates, or have already passed that point.) If Meh ends up having a bunch of rapidly expiring coffee in the warehouse and they can’t sell it, it sends a message that their consumers won’t support fascist groups or people who support them, and they will be less likely to “bail out” such companies in the future.
@charliekno@mehshark@windfish113 LOL, I see this term casually tossed out all the time to describe someone that’s of the opposite political spectrum but I’ve honestly never seen any actually articulate what is intrinsically “fascist” about a company. I’m not talking about the new definition which just basically means “intolerant”. But just being intolerant of another political ideology doesn’t automatically make someone a fascist, just like you being intolerant of their political views, doesn’t make you a fascist. Now if you had said that the government should be intervening and putting these guys out of business because they don’t fall in line with the current political party in power and their presence in society is a danger to us all, then you might be a fascist LOL
Mmmm… This is the most partisan coffee I’ve seen here!
I sure do miss the times when not everything was about politics. This company is mostly a product of the times when it is, so I’m not surprised by the discourse here.
I will say this: Meh has already bought the coffee, probably for next to nothing. Whether or not anyone buys it from Meh will not affect a single penny going to the people you support/loathe who may or may not have ever touched this product. They’ve gotten what they’re gonna get, and the only people who are going to get more or less money now are the people at Meh.
@mediocrebot@medz T2T, veterans association in many states. They don’t send any money to assist in gender operations or donate coffee for illegal immigrants smuggling in drugs. That’s Bidens deal. We’re the only country with no border. Sad right!?
@alacrity wow now that’s pretty sad. Not sure if your against our military or hate veterans with mental issues. Or maybe all people with mental issues. Either way you seem quite triggered. Not a very strong spine I guess. Don’t get upset when shit goes up 200% in price and crime and drugs increase under America hating Biden and his puppeteers. Biden makes me miss Bill Clinton a lot!
@bugger What’s sad is you seem to have no sense of geography. Last I looked we have both a northern border we share with Canada and a southern one we share with Mexico.
As a veteran and USA lover who does not share your unfounded views I think Meh is a much nicer place without your political rants.
@mediocrebot@nightforge The use by date is coming up or a big order was cancelled. That how MEH works. Over runs or overstocked items mostly. Perishable products seems to land here a lot. So your saying everything that MEH sell is a product that is hated by so many people they have to dump it here? Confused a bit on that one. Regroup and try again. This time put some effort into It nightforge
@steeltoesenator I’m talking 90% of the issue is Mexicos border with us. You disagree? You think 7 million people illegally crossing into the US is great and perfect? Do you think 20 million would be better. Do you love fentanyl? 70,000+ deaths a year and 200,000 overdoses a year is great for us? That acceptable? Oh boy. USA loving. That your not. Also, FYI, I’m only responding to the people who are whole heartily stating their politely beliefs on this company and their product. Read back and take a look. Sorry to slap you so hard but that was some [needless name-calling] stuff you said. Very contradictory indeed steeltoeseantor? Really!!?
@alacrity They do help veterans out. Maybe if they were around back in April 1995 or earlier Tim M. Would of gotten treatment and not killed all the people and children. Right?!
@bugger nah, kid- I’m a vet. 9 years in places you can’t pronounce let alone spell- and Army coffee is better’n this shit.
the corporate profiteering you’re queefing about ain’t Biden’s fault- it’s that diseased orangutan taint you suckle who made it ok to pillage our pockets, but y’all seem to love the taste of that too.
y’all ain’t figured out the alt-right is ISIS in this story yet- see, we never stopped loving this country- you did.
@bugger “The use by date is coming up or a big order was cancelled” probably because their marketing strategy failed like all the other products that end up here.
Bad people making bad coffee (that’s probably expired as well). Hope these sit in the warehouse until Meh has to dump them out. Buy these coffees if you want more senseless gun violence!
@Thelordcurtis Eh, the dopes have presumably already sold this stuff at a loss to Meh. Why does Meh need to lose money too? If you like overly sweet cold coffee just slap it in a Dark Brandon coozie to hide their dumb logo and enjoy drinking a cuppa lost revenue.
@DonWhiteside@Thelordcurtis@snapster is probably just doing another retail experiment with us all… still have no interest in encouraging meh to bail out politically motivated companies or failed ‘alt-health’ food products companies either. There have even been products over the years here with batteries, refurbs that were really just returns, or just e-waste in general that I’m convinced meh was actually paid to take, that they pawned off on us to avoid having to deal with hazardous waste disposal (PowerExtra jumpstarters, etc)!
@Thelordcurtis The best-by date is 01/2024. I don’t know how far out they date this product, but the cans could be over a year and a half post-brew for all I know. I have no idea whether that means the coffee is likely to be even more awful than when it was fresh. (I don’t do coffee, so to me, it’s awful from the get-go.)
@caffeineguy@DonWhiteside@snapster@Thelordcurtis Meh more likely bought this batch from a distributor than the manufacturer. Without access to the details of the brand’s contract, it’s impossible to say who lost what when these were remaindered. And even that wouldn’t tell you why this batch was remaindered.
@DonWhiteside@Thelordcurtis Meh needs to lose money on this because they supported a company that’s in bed with fascist groups by buying off their overstock. We as consumers need to vote with our wallets and send the message that aiding fascists is not a profitable venture.
@phendrick I agree with you on that one. I would rather not have to shout down the lefty loons because they hate a company that is right wing when I’m more in the center I have voted democrat and I voted Republican if it’s the right person that’s who I vote for, but it’s crazy how these people will buy billions of items from China who suppresses their people and puts them into slavery and half of these sweat shops but be damned if you buy coffee from a company in the USA that does none of that. are they perfect guaranteed they’re not, but they’re a hell of a lot better than a Chinese company over and out
@phendrick When the sides are fascists and not-fascists, and you are trying to defend the fascists… you should probably take a step back and actually think about what you’re doing, and why.
@phendrick All politics aside, this coffee just tastes terrible. Kind of leaves the lingering feeling of putting too much creamer in your coffee even when you don’t add any. Not sure what they’re doing to it.
@mehshark fuck you for your baseless accusation. I was not defending any fascists. I was commenting on how I do not come to this web site to read other people’s political rants.
ANTIFA is anti-fascist, as their name implies. Do you defend them and all their actions?
And fuck all those who starred your baseless accusation. They also are on record as being mindless.
you should probably take a step back and actually think about what you’re doing, and why
OK, prove to me you know what you are doing and that you did think through it . Quote back to me exactly which sentence I posted above that was defending fascists?
yes I support them.
You support ALL the rioting and destruction, a lot of it toward private minority-owned business, that ANTIFA was behind?
@phendrick You have a lot of reading to do, I think. Start with the Civil Rights Movement. Pay close attention to what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr had to say about the white moderates - people who would rather turn a blind eye to injustice than be inconvenienced by having to stand against it. Simply put, if the status quo and structures of power are built around oppression, it is literally impossible to effect changes without damaging and breaking those structures - this is also why socialism is so closely intertwined with these movements, because the roots of all of this go back to capitalism. You have to make up your mind - will you stand against injustice and be inconvenienced, or will you be a coward and allow injustices to keep taking place because you can’t be bothered to suffer through some minor inconvenience?
Next, you should probably find valid sources for your information. Blaming rioting and associated damages on antifa is a well-known bit of disinformation perpetuated by right-wing outlets. Don’t read from Fox, CNN, etc - get it direct from Reuters and Associated Press. The source information comes from those services in the first place, in most instances, and those services are some of the only objective/“just the facts, ma’am” news agencies left. Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and all the others place their own spin and agenda on top after they pull the information from Reuters and AP. Those outlets should all be categorized as “entertainment,” not “information.”
I’ve had these cans before & it’s a buy for this price if you need some convenient “to go” coffee in the fridge for those mornings when you don’t want to wait for your own to brew. BTW to both “sides” - nobody is gonna change their political views by reading a meh comment section .
@Commonwealth109 I doubt some will change their political views based on anything, including science, facts with evidence, or anything else at this point in this country. Unfortunately thoughtful political discourse between apposing sides appears to be a rare occurrence as it takes both sides to behave like adults and be rational for that to happen.
@Kidsandliz Says someone who starred a comment accusing me of defending fascists, with absolutely no reasoning behind it. Where was your “thoughtful political discourse” at the time?
@phendrick I apparently misread the comment I was staring. I was staring the criticism of the dichotomy presented. I didn’t catch, apparently the rest of it as I was only skimming this ugly mess. I have now unstared it. I still think all the political shit needs to stay off this forum. Mentioning the politics of the coffee company is one thing and worth knowing for those of us that care (as I’d do despite hating coffee). What this degenerated to is out of hand and inappropriate. As I said earlier adult, thoughtful discussion (in my opinion) is fine. This thread is mostly not that.
@Kidsandliz I am particularly sensitive to all this talk about “fascists”. The dumb shits on here have never witnessed true fascism, and the extremists on the far right in our country are nowhere close to such a thing.
My father was part of the World War II effort that fought the Nazis, the Blackshirts of Mussolini, and the minions of the Japanese Emperor. Those were actual fascists. Talk to some of their victims ( a few still living) if you want to know about true fascism. My father got wounded and a Purple Heart for his efforts.
When I was small and noticed the scar, he didn’t want to talk about it. And he stayed that way. I only knew he had a Purple Heart because I found it once when nosing around in some of his things.
He still had the scar when he died. I hold on to his Purple Heart.
He would truly be appalled at what goes on in this country now as “protest”.
When I see the ANTIFA group, I am reminded of the Blackshirts of Mussolini or the Brownshirts of Hitler. The only difference is these don’t usually march in formation. Likewise they don’t hold themselves accountable. It’s beyond me how any rational person can excuse their actions. Does the end really justify the means?
If your post above is an apology of sorts, I accept it. (I wonder if there will be any others. I won’t hold my breath.) Thanks for getting back to me.
@phendrick My apologies also for getting too caught up with the opening line and misreading the subsequent direct accusation. Like @kidsandliz, that certainly wasn’t my intention either. The post in context has been unstarred by me.
@phendrick One of my mom’s uncles was caught up in the war while running a university on the east coast of China. My dad was on a ship in the pacific. Where I grew up it was about a third Jewish (our public schools celebrated all Jewish and Christian holidays - which dragged school further into the summer to get our 180 days but as kids we didn’t realize that) and a number of my friend’s parents (who were kids at the time) and grandparents had tattoos from concentration camps. They mostly didn’t talk about it although made sure I knew they had them and was aware of what they meant.
@Kidsandliz@phendrick Same boat here. I starred a comment that to me was (correctly) implying the company that makes this coffee is reprehensible, and for my almost nonexistent effort, I got publicly blamed and shamed and told ‘fuck you’ and called mindless, along with a dozen and a half other members. This needs to stop. That action was way beyond acceptable.
@phendrick@PooltoyWolf It seems as if whenever politics comes up some people believe it is appropriate to become vicious, nasty, rude and engage in name calling. Clearly that bunch was not brought up right.
@cengland0@crispy1260@Nikademus1969 Aside from the fact that it causes intestinal irritation in a heck of a lot of people, did you need another reason to avoid it?
@cengland0@Nikademus1969@werehatrack Thank you for answering my question. Quick internet searches didn’t return anything that made me raise an eyebrow since it’s in root vegetables, onions, and garlic.
I had come here to make a snarky pun comment - something along the lines of: is this a kill you coffee made by a gun company? I was unaware of anything about the company, it’s politics, or even if the coffee sucked or not (I hate coffee, including the smell of it). Imagine my surprise with this thread.
Nice to see we can have an adult (/s) conversation going on here full of 5 year old name calling by a couple of people - especially one mehember. Sheesh. I can see meh will be back to banning politics on threads except ones with that in the title.
Anybody got a truckload of Two if by Tea left they can get to Texas by the end of the week? I have a feeling it’ll really bring the engagement numbers up.
@djslack This is just a big engagement experiment-- first the midnight IRK, now this… Tomorrow it’ll be some failed pride merchandise from Target, and some bud light wine coolers on casemates
Any other brand and I would have been an easy customer. I’m not holding it against Meh that they are selling this product. It’s a bargain, which is their main deal. I hope they are as good as the last coffee bargain for the lucky customers who pick these up.
@crispy1260 I agree with you here. I feel that we all have permission to responsibly enjoy the fruits of labor from misguided humans, and boycotting an already-dead company is just wasted effort.
I’ll use the energy from the coffee to fight evil, and recycle the can.
@806D2701@crispy1260 Except by purchasing this from Meh, you’re telling them that it’s okay that they supported a fascist-aligned company. BRCC would have had to take a complete loss on the overstock if Meh had not purchased it from them - instead of getting cents on the dollar, they would have gotten zero.
@crispy1260 I was literally cursed out by a senior executive during a contract negotiation because I wouldn’t give into their ridiculous demands. I walked away from the deal, it wasn’t worth it to me or my company to do business with a company that treats their vendors that way. Political leanings aside, I’ll never buy anything from them.
@hilwil, we’re in the same boat then. I will not be a customer because the product doesn’t interest me, given its marketing. I’d rather pick up a bag from Awesome Coffee Club and do some good in the world with my brew than support political theatre.
@806D2701@mehshark This is under the assumption that there wouldn’t be other buyers. Worst case scenario, it goes to a fertilizer company. There isn’t a scenario in which BRCC wins if they are selling in-line products on Meh.com at this price.
@caffeineguy There’s absolutely no winning here. No matter what we say it will be attacked as a weak response or too heavy-handed. We’ve already done a bit of censoring as some comments/replies went over the line and strayed into personal attacks rather than just a defense of one’s position.
Also, I’m not here to defend (and sure as hell not to support) today’s offer, but I wanted to clarify that staff is present.
@ExtraMedium I figured y’all were present and thought I noticed a little thinning of the herd; can’t imagine any staff member was looking forward to losing a day playing forum babysitter. Dump the rest in the IRKs Or offload them with an equally polarizing item.
@caffeineguy@ExtraMedium Dump them in irks? You wanting to start WW3 on here? They better not ruin an irk reveal thread. I’d hate to see what that would degenerate into. Well unless they send them only to folks who support that company.
@Kidsandliz I’m not buying these on principle, but I’d probably drink 'em if they appeared in my fridge; That said, I did pick up a few almost-free cases of Bud Light when they were running the “oops we f-ed up” rebate promotion 2mos ago. Still tasted like piss water, but was basically free piss water.
Run by a liberal who donated to democrats, and he was sure to make a statement distancing BRCC from Rittenhouse when he was photographed wearing a BRCC shit.
Oh, no, they’re basically posers, pretending to be all gruntly man with guns coffee, while at the same time supporting leftwing ideas and politicians. It’s disingenuous. Just because it’s veteran owned, doesn’t make them good people.
Kinda amazing how there’s like one post on the taste of the coffee and a gazillion on politics.
For all those making divisive comments, that is certainly a reflection of the state of our society.
Seems folks forget the golden rule “do unto others . . .”
I suppose it’s too much to ask for consistency - if you don’t support this coffee for its politics OR if you support this coffee because of its politics, then you wouldn’t buy anything made in any country that has politics very different than what you believe.
So can anyone comment please on the coffee, especially as compared to the past two canned coffees that meh has sold?
@hammi99 I have 2 rankings First ranking is Taste: I like 1) Rise the best, 2) Black Rifle Coffee, 3) Super Coffee; this isn’t to say Super Coffee doesn’t taste good (I like it as much as a ready to drink Frappucino in most cases) but it is hard to achieve the flavor profile others can with ingredients which are high protein (milk or pea for super coffee) and are sweetened with stevia and monk fruit whereas Black Rifle has actual sugar and Rise 10g of natural sugars
Second ranking Nutrition Profile 1) Super Coffee, 2) Rise, 3) Black Rifle Coffee
Super Coffee has protein, MCT’s and is naturally sweetened. Black Rifle has protein & some flavors have MCT’s & Aminos but also sugar. The Rise flavor Meh offered was organic and used Oatmilk and is naturally sweetened but does have 10g of sugar.
@faxtory thank you for that. I quite liked Rise, not a fan of Super Coffee. So this seems in between. Will give it a whirl and see. I didn’t like how Super Coffee tastes similar to artificial sweeteners.
I was just trying to scroll through the comments to see if people recommended the flavor profile or not. Turns out, I should’ve just scrolled straight to the bottom because that’s where the answer was.
@ironcheftoni@Kyeh Kansas has huge sparsely populated red areas. I used to drive through them on a semi-regular basis, and the signage made their leanings pretty clear.
@ironcheftoni@Kyeh Wichita would be a tiny blue dot, as would a few parts of the KC area, but the rest…
Oddly enough, just like a lot of the rest of the country, most of the folks there are remarkably tolerant and accommodating individually. It’s when they gather in groups that they seem to change and adopt the mob mentality. (One should not count on this everywhere, though.)
N.B.: The heckling was pretty much covered in the current writeup in my opinion, so there wasn’t as much need for either righteous indignation, slavish devotion, questioning of the need for something vile, or other such commentary as last time. Not that this has deterred any of it.
Nice dance to avoid answering my question.
I don’t disagree about the importance of MLK. Funny, as I recall, he was all about non-violence, however.
Sounds like you might have been one of those in the black hoods and masks. (MLK and his supporters were afraid of those in white ones, so nice turnaround.)
I assume you cannot answer my question about quoting what I said to defend “fascists”, so will just post other shit.
(Little bit down here removed by your friendly neighborhood VolMod)
Can you tell who the last person to buy was? Because that’s quite the honor. Also, I didn’t read the thread, but with over 200 comments it must be enthralling!
@Kyeh@medz In case you hadn’t noticed, Meh has left the sale active for at least a day after it gets replaced most of the time for the past year or two. Only sold-out and 'Thon listings are routinely disabled at rollover. I’ve seen a few that persisted for a week.
@Kyeh@medz A couple of times, I’ve taken advantage when accidental added research showed that it was a better deal than it seemed, for something I could use.
I think I’ll pass on the alt-right coffee.
@kyouteki for sure:
@kyouteki I used to dye my hair and scream at passer-bys. Then I drank Black Rifle Coffee. Now I have a family that loves me and am a pillar of my community.
Everyone be forewarned this coffee will change your life.
Eww. Boot licker coffee. Hella pass.
Following up:
I know there are people who love their guns, but not even 4 months ago, there was a mass shooting in my town. People died. This isn’t a game, these aren’t toys. I heard the shots, I knew someone who isn’t around anymore. This isn’t some “you vs me” thing. People are dead. People will continue to die until we can work together and improve the mental health and awareness of EVERYONE out there. I’m tired of living in fear I may be next just for existing the way I am, nobody should be afraid to just exist.
Be good to one another, think about your actions and remember, at the end of the day, your neighbor is still your neighbor.
@mikesmells I am on the same page as you. About 7 or 8 months ago I had just crossed, in the dark, the parking lot where I live to my car. I heard angry male voices. Then there were 5 gunshots. IN. THE. PARKING. LOT. Fortunately I was on the far side of my car, ready to put something in the passenger seat, had my hand on the handle but hadn’t opened the door yet. I ducked behind my car. And waited. Took a month or so before I was able to go to my car at night without a great deal of angst. At one in the morning two people who live here who were drunk and high shot their guns into the air. And there was another incident that I don’t know the details other than I was inside that time too and heard the shots that others said was a fight on the sidewalk in front of our building. Fortunately nothing in the last 4 or 5 months. There is a law you can’t shoot off guns in the city for all the good that does. We are the murder capital of the nation (per capita).
isnt this that alt right coffee brand? interested but dont want a fash-ucino
@DylanPeck yarp.
@DylanPeck @PHRoG I appreciate you posting that article. It makes them sound like they are loved by the alt-right, but are not necessarily alt-right themselves.
I don’t have a positive view of the brand, but that article actually made me have a less negative view than I did before.
I am assuming there must be more damning information about the company out there, because this isn’t really it.
@DylanPeck @Limewater so, they’re very very good at the PR machine. They often dance on the line and then delete/retract or say they were “just joking lols” if they think it made them look bad enough.
They blog and post far-right content, then remove it. They appear on/advertise on alt-right media such as TV, podcasts, etc.
They deleted their Reddit AMA even because they went down in flames…but, here’s one post that explains them a bit too:
To be fair, they’ve simmered down quite a bit since they went merged and went public…however, there’s no mistaking how they got there.
Hard pass. Their coffee is almost as bad as their politics.
I’d rather drink shampoo than fascist coffee
@omally Not shampoo, but some are eating laundry detergent.
@omally MSNBC, CBS, CNN viewers seems to hate the truth. Truth hurts. Save our country and buy the damn coffee. All proceeds go to the Republican coffers. Thanks in advance
@bugger @omally John Green says their coffee sucks as much as their politics. Employees say they don’t even really support or stand for those right wing politics and it’s all marketing grift. not too surprised.
@omally We would never confuse the actual truth with Republican alternate facts/truths. Sit back and enjoy the truths coming out at the upcoming trials. Getting my popcorn ready
♫ ♪♬The best part of waking up…is fascism in your cup♬♫ ♪
This veteran and coffee lover will pass. I’m content to keep sourcing the beans I use from a queer owned company.out of West Virginia and a Colorado company a hobo friend turned me on to.
Oh, and fair trade coffee I buy from the Presbyterian church.
Wouldn’t mind seeing those Rise nitro cold brews happen again though. They were interesting and pretty damned good.
Meh, why are you stooping so low? Please stop doing business with fascists.
@blaeries lol. But you love China products. Helping support slavery. How fake are you!!?
@blaeries @bugger …knew you’d show up to this one with a raging hard-on.
I heard Trump personally jizzed in vat BRCC uses for these, moaning something about Epstein…I’m sure they’ll increase the 3 qty limit for ya if you ask nicely!
Oh, and BRCC absolutely, 100%, soruces shit from China you [needless name calling].
/giphy please sir
@blaeries @PHRoG LMAO You know you can search specific sites that show what companies source from China. This company absolutely does not. You insanely fucking wrong. Possibly one of the dumbest rants I’ve seen. [removed sexist and needless bad behavior]
@blaeries @bugger …I know this is gonna break your brain, sorry (not sorry).
/giphy mic drop
@blaeries @PHRoG yep they bought all the machinery to make and package the coffee from China why you ask? Because NAFTA killed all the us companies and very few if any make the machinery needed to produce coffee. So your leftist voting forced BRCC to buy machinery from China. Just like apple, Tesla and thousands of other companies out there. Our choices are limited. So together. Me and you blaeries together can bring companies back to America. Vote Republican and save our country. Can I count on you??!
@blaeries @bugger @PHRoG no.
"According to the publication, Tesla is the most American car brand, with 100 percent of its sales coming from vehicles produced domestically. Ford is the next closest with 77.5 percent, and Honda landed at number three with 73.1 percent. "
for American sold Tesla’s of course.
@blaeries @bugger
/giphy uhmmm
…and, again, you’re wrong. You can absolutely hire a USA engineering firm to design such equipment and a USA fabrication team to build such equipment from USA based steel, parts, etc.
Also, it’s not limited to their equipment…their merchandise comes from China, their packaging does too. All of which is available from USA sources as well.
@blaeries @bugger @PHRoG it’s quite humorous that you insinuate that PHRoG should be insulted by playing in women’s sports. Many women athletes would stomp all over most people, let alone ones that allude to them being somehow less than that thing that’s being tucked. Maybe you should get on the pitch with the black ferns with that same rhetoric and see how that plays out!
@blaeries @bugger look at you not realizing the difference between companies in china and the Chinese government.
@bugger bUt WhAt aBoUt cHiNA. What about the children who don’t come home from school one day, the grandmothers gunned down at supermarkets, the literal fear we live in on our HOME TURF. How often did you have to do lock down drills as a kid? Every child in America now has to plan ahead in case someone crazy enough comes in with a legally purchased rifle, thanks to the NRA’s lobbying. The leading cause of death in adolescents is gun violence. It has beaten cancer. You’d rather talk about anything that that and that’s just sad
Hard pass. Bad for our country.
I’ll def pass on the mall ninja frappucinos.
I’m far enough left to loop around to thinking rifles are good, but regardless of what side you’re on this company sucks ass. (But I guess if they’ve landed here, they’re already not getting money from it.)
They routinely run overt anti-immigration and white supremacist ads and then pull the “LOL it’s a prank bro!!” defense when called out on it and delete everything.
Buy some Maxwell House and use the money you save on arming the less fortunate.
@brennyn I assume the same thing. They market themselves as far-right conservative, but the companies actions are the opposite. I guess trying to have both sides is catching up with them, but it helped the company explode in popularity. I see them all over the place now.
Their two-faced tactics make me wonder what type of people run the company, but only enough to make assumptions and not actually confirm.
@brennyn @jjnova The people that run the company are grifters.
Black Rifle has made glorifying fascists part of their brand (particularly Kyle Rittenhouse) and I hope they fail and I will never support them.
Meh is just trying to make a buck on some expired or expiring merchandise. I’d prefer they didn’t sell anything from Black Rifle but I don’t take it as an endorsement of the company.
Capitalism tells us to vote with our dollar but it’s better to vote with our votes. People trying to ‘own the libs’ by supporting these companies are just playing right into the some scheme that keeps us all under the boot of the ultra wealthy.
@redshift yeah. Very ironic that they think companies like this or candidates like Trump are actually on their side.
“They fight for people like me!”
No, they just exploit you for personal gain
@redshift LOL, what exactly is “fascist” about a company. In classical terminology not the synonym for “intolerant”. I get that they’re intolerant of their political opponent’s platform pieces but, fascist? Really? I’m genuinely curious what that even means nowadays. Certainly not the same thing it did when I was in political science, lol.
@House fascist as in supporting fascism. When a company exhaults a kid who murdered protesters peacefully pushing for change that’s a sign. When they use MAGA talking points that’s a sign. It’s all a way to signal that things used to be better and we need a big strong man to take us back there. That’s the whole alt right playbook. Even though better in the past applies to less and less people as you go backward.
Not sure if you are serious or not but here’s a good way to check what could be considered fascist. Higher score should raise some alarm bells.
This is fun too and goes over the usual tactics that are pretty common today ->
“also their coffee sucks” which they don’t even roast it’s just subbed out from a large coffee co and they slap their fake label on it to dupe right wing rubes.
@nightforge You should check into to that. Located in Texas you can take a tour to prove your 1000% wrong. Leftist lies please stop. [Projecting] is not a good reason to try and fool people into your lies. Do some research. Couldn’t hurt ya to be right for a change. JMO
@nightforge according to reviews, 4.7 stars on Amazon seems like you may….be…wrong??? Lmao
@bugger you really think those maga fanatics are giving positive reviews for the taste? Same reason they support Trump; he’s not a “good” candidate, but he “owns the libs” so they love him. Easy to win that lot over.
@nightforge Oh the YouTube video of a VERY SMALL and VERY UNKNOWN coffee company seems to show he hates all coffee companies except his. I guess he didn’t give a review on Amazon. Oops
@bugger “John, I actually worked for a company that produced Black Rifle Coffee (they don’t produce their own, they contract it out). Let me know if you have questions!”
but ok, hey if you want to buy crappy coffee to get a sticker and think you’re own’n the libs go ahead and waste your money. I’ll drink good coffee that pays it’s farmers with my buck. America.
@medz so you think all 1400 reviews are a bunch of crazy Trump lovers? Oh my fucking God that would be insane huh? What are the tunnel vision must be pretty insane to have.
@bugger @medz
@bugger No, ya chode; I think they’re bots.
It’s time for another cat pic:
@narfcake That’s really impressive!
@narfcake Maybe this too? Oh wait. The dog owners might object
@narfcake I’ve seen this guy’s coffee art before and I meant to post a pic here at some point - “coffee for narfcake” - but of course you’ve seen it already!
@narfcake I think it’s amusing that his name is “Kohei” because it sounds similar to the way they pronounce “coffee” in Japanese!
Everyone is so touchy…on both sides. If you want the coffee, buy it. If you don’t want the coffee, don’t buy it. Opinions don’t sway anyone. Dollars do.
@tnhillbillygal I just said the same thing
@tnhillbillygal Agreed, I could care less about anyone’s political opinions that shop here (on either side). Makes me wish @mediocrebot would add a user block feature.
@bmansc @mediocrebot @tnhillbillygal It’d probably be a half-baked ‘mute’ feature; Remember our Lord and Savior Elon is going to eliminate the block from X/Twitter soon.
He has a little problem there. Certain places require that social media provide the capability. Meh doesn’t have to comply because Mediocre doesn’t officially do business in those places.
@bmansc @caffeineguy @mediocrebot @tnhillbillygal just another in a line of horrible decisions making twitter worse since he bought it
@caffeineguy @werehatrack … specifically, both Apple and Google app stores require a block feature to be included with social media apps.
Can’t remove the feature without also having their app removed.
I knew the second I saw the product name, the discourse would be massive…this thread has shown me at least one user to avoid in future interactions, as well. I have never been an overly political person, but the depths to which some on the right will sink is truly sad. Basic human rights seem lost on them…I better stop before they come after me next LOL
@PooltoyWolf It sure is interesting how one person is responsible for roughly 1/4 of the comments. I sure hope meh allows them to buy 30-50 cases of this crap
@caffeineguy Isn’t it though?
Best by January 6th, 2024?
I am amazed at how easily some of you are triggered by a coffee brand. Good lord, get a grip.
@TBoneZeOriginal Ain’t that the truth. In for 1!
EDIT: SHIT! I can’t buy one because some scumbag stole my wife’s wallet and we had to cancel EVERYTHING.
I’d bet a LOT of money that the piece of shit who stole it is a liberal.
@TBoneZeOriginal Too bad you have no money to bet
Thoughts and prayers
@spazzoo @TBoneZeOriginal
For us, it’s an big inconvenience. We had to lock everything down and close our checking account. For the country…
It has gone totally banana republic. They jail political opponents while letting shop lifters, thieves, violent offenders, and carjackers walk.
@TBoneZeOriginal You got these 80 year old men who have no idea you exist living rent-free in your head. Sad!
@medz @Trinityscrew
/giphy spit coffee
@TBoneZeOriginal says the person triggered by people not wanting to support a nazi-run business
@BradyisGoat @TBoneZeOriginal You’re funny. Sadly, I’m sure you don’t realize it.
And now it’s time to invoke Godwin’s law.
@BradyisGoat Calling an entire group that you disagree with “nazis” is exactly what I’m talking about. It’s so over-the-top and sensationalized, it blows my mind. Again, get a grip. It’s like none of you have any idea what a nazi or fascism actually is.
@TBoneZeOriginal Compared with this company, Nestlé is much more lucrative and powerful, far more evil, and is most certainly responsible for large amounts of death and suffering worldwide. However, I am guessing that if Meh were to sell a Nestlé coffee brand, we wouldn’t see anywhere near this level of controversy. It is not so much an issue of ethics as one of perceived identity.
@TBoneZeOriginal I didn’t call an entire group of people I disagree with “nazis”. I called this specific business that. Big difference.
@dumb_cookie @TBoneZeOriginal the difference is Nestle is a global company that owns like 95% of our food supply. It’s basically impossible to avoid Nestle. And boycotting a single product from them would have zero impact on them or send any message. Nestle also doesn’t intentionally market to the alt-right. BRCC does, and is a small independent company who you can actually impact by letting your wallet do the talking.
@TBoneZeOriginal It’s really easy to discount the opinions and feelings of marginalized groups when you’re speaking from a position of privilege. Some groups are specifically targeted by fascists, and Black Rifle Coffee Company has reached out to and supported fascists in their marketing and advertising. It’s pretty simple - don’t buy BRCC products, and don’t buy BRCC products from Meh. Speak with your wallet, fascists have no place here.
As for Black Rifle, I can tell from their trade dress that they embrace the aggression lifestyle that I despise, and at that point I do not care whether their politics are merely neocentrist or far right; they’re on my no-buy list.
Yeah, hard pass on this one.
I’m pretty disappointed in Meh for carrying this product. I think I’ll let my wallet do my talking for me by ending my membership and taking a break from the site.
Meh trying to get money from the MAGA crowd this morning?
Luckily for Meh those folks usually have more dollars than sense.
And even fewer taste buds apparently, if they enjoy this disgusting coffee.
Still pretty disappointing to see Meh jump in bed with an alt-right hate group. Going to think hard about whether I still want to be a paying member of this site.
@windfish113 Am I misunderstanding the business model here? Doesn’t this mean that the alt right maga coffee company couldn’t sell these at a profit so they sold them at a loss to Meh so meh can make a profit? Isn’t this like drinking a cup of MAGA tears or something like that?
@charliekno meh doesnt laugh and pull the cans out of the trash, they buy them.
Black rifle doesn’t sell them to meh to help meh, they do it to cut their own losses/make a profit.
@charliekno @Seeds now-- 1) if BRCC was filing for bankruptcy because of their failed marketing campaign, and 2) Meh got this one-off purchase dirt cheap as a result, and 3) The ‘coffee’ tasted decent and didn’t have ~15+ bizarre ingredients in it, maybe it’d be time to celebrate.
@charliekno @windfish113 Buying this stuff from Meh will effectively tell them that it’s okay to support fascists, since they “helped out” BRCC by buying otherwise unsellable stock from them (Meh buys nearly-expired stock from retailers and vendors, which is why food/drink products are usually only 1-2 months away from “use by” dates, or have already passed that point.) If Meh ends up having a bunch of rapidly expiring coffee in the warehouse and they can’t sell it, it sends a message that their consumers won’t support fascist groups or people who support them, and they will be less likely to “bail out” such companies in the future.
@charliekno @mehshark @windfish113 LOL, I see this term casually tossed out all the time to describe someone that’s of the opposite political spectrum but I’ve honestly never seen any actually articulate what is intrinsically “fascist” about a company. I’m not talking about the new definition which just basically means “intolerant”. But just being intolerant of another political ideology doesn’t automatically make someone a fascist, just like you being intolerant of their political views, doesn’t make you a fascist. Now if you had said that the government should be intervening and putting these guys out of business because they don’t fall in line with the current political party in power and their presence in society is a danger to us all, then you might be a fascist LOL
We’re due for another cat pic, no?
@narfcake AI showing up strong with a “cartoon drawing of an adorable cat drinking coffee while the world burns”
~Sad staff noises~
@ExtraMedium @narfcake …I… almost want to get a tattoo of this it’s so awesome!
Mmmm… This is the most partisan coffee I’ve seen here!
I sure do miss the times when not everything was about politics. This company is mostly a product of the times when it is, so I’m not surprised by the discourse here.
I will say this: Meh has already bought the coffee, probably for next to nothing. Whether or not anyone buys it from Meh will not affect a single penny going to the people you support/loathe who may or may not have ever touched this product. They’ve gotten what they’re gonna get, and the only people who are going to get more or less money now are the people at Meh.
@djslack if it sells poorly, meh is less likely to bail them out when they have extra stock next time.
If you drink it where people can see the can, you’re advertising the company.
@djslack @Seeds Exactly-- Meh should sell remaining inventory with Meh coozies so the closeted right-wingers don’t have to share the can’s advertising
@djslack The coffee’s marketing is all about politics. It’s like Penzeys that way – you take a side, you take the consequences. (And I love Penzeys.)
Worms arguing over their dinner.
@narfcake catachino!
@PHRoG Also known as “cats are liquid”.
Veteran owned USA loving company. I’m in for 3x24! Awesome reviews. People love all their flavors. God bless the US!
@mediocrebot This is some good stuff. Don’t let the crazy lefties steer you wrong. Keep buying from USA loving companies. Great job MEH
@bugger @mediocrebot define “USA loving”. Doesn’t seem like they love all of the USA. Who are they helping?
@mediocrebot @medz T2T, veterans association in many states. They don’t send any money to assist in gender operations or donate coffee for illegal immigrants smuggling in drugs. That’s Bidens deal. We’re the only country with no border. Sad right!?
@bugger yeah, tim mcveigh was a vet, considered himself a patriot who loved our country & liked to blow shit up too.
@bugger bless your heart. Maybe this coffee will clear your thoughts
@bugger @mediocrebot that’s why they are dumping it for a loss on meh because it’s soo good?? haha um, ok.
@alacrity wow now that’s pretty sad. Not sure if your against our military or hate veterans with mental issues. Or maybe all people with mental issues. Either way you seem quite triggered. Not a very strong spine I guess. Don’t get upset when shit goes up 200% in price and crime and drugs increase under America hating Biden and his puppeteers. Biden makes me miss Bill Clinton a lot!
@bugger What’s sad is you seem to have no sense of geography. Last I looked we have both a northern border we share with Canada and a southern one we share with Mexico.
As a veteran and USA lover who does not share your unfounded views I think Meh is a much nicer place without your political rants.
@mediocrebot @nightforge The use by date is coming up or a big order was cancelled. That how MEH works. Over runs or overstocked items mostly. Perishable products seems to land here a lot. So your saying everything that MEH sell is a product that is hated by so many people they have to dump it here? Confused a bit on that one. Regroup and try again. This time put some effort into It nightforge
@steeltoesenator I’m talking 90% of the issue is Mexicos border with us. You disagree? You think 7 million people illegally crossing into the US is great and perfect? Do you think 20 million would be better. Do you love fentanyl? 70,000+ deaths a year and 200,000 overdoses a year is great for us? That acceptable? Oh boy. USA loving. That your not. Also, FYI, I’m only responding to the people who are whole heartily stating their politely beliefs on this company and their product. Read back and take a look. Sorry to slap you so hard but that was some [needless name-calling] stuff you said. Very contradictory indeed steeltoeseantor? Really!!?
@alacrity They do help veterans out. Maybe if they were around back in April 1995 or earlier Tim M. Would of gotten treatment and not killed all the people and children. Right?!
@bugger nah, kid- I’m a vet. 9 years in places you can’t pronounce let alone spell- and Army coffee is better’n this shit.
the corporate profiteering you’re queefing about ain’t Biden’s fault- it’s that diseased orangutan taint you suckle who made it ok to pillage our pockets, but y’all seem to love the taste of that too.
y’all ain’t figured out the alt-right is ISIS in this story yet- see, we never stopped loving this country- you did.
@bugger “The use by date is coming up or a big order was cancelled” probably because their marketing strategy failed like all the other products that end up here.
@bugger @steeltoesenator
Yes, someone please end the skit. And meh please steer away from politically based vanity brands no matter how good the price. Sheesh.
/image you like the juice snl
@alacrity If I could like this post a thousand times I would. Thanks for your service… and your sense.
Bad people making bad coffee (that’s probably expired as well). Hope these sit in the warehouse until Meh has to dump them out. Buy these coffees if you want more senseless gun violence!
@Thelordcurtis Eh, the dopes have presumably already sold this stuff at a loss to Meh. Why does Meh need to lose money too? If you like overly sweet cold coffee just slap it in a Dark Brandon coozie to hide their dumb logo and enjoy drinking a cuppa lost revenue.
@DonWhiteside @Thelordcurtis @snapster is probably just doing another retail experiment with us all… still have no interest in encouraging meh to bail out politically motivated companies or failed ‘alt-health’ food products companies either. There have even been products over the years here with batteries, refurbs that were really just returns, or just e-waste in general that I’m convinced meh was actually paid to take, that they pawned off on us to avoid having to deal with hazardous waste disposal (PowerExtra jumpstarters, etc)!
@Thelordcurtis The best-by date is 01/2024. I don’t know how far out they date this product, but the cans could be over a year and a half post-brew for all I know. I have no idea whether that means the coffee is likely to be even more awful than when it was fresh. (I don’t do coffee, so to me, it’s awful from the get-go.)
@caffeineguy @DonWhiteside @snapster @Thelordcurtis Meh more likely bought this batch from a distributor than the manufacturer. Without access to the details of the brand’s contract, it’s impossible to say who lost what when these were remaindered. And even that wouldn’t tell you why this batch was remaindered.
@DonWhiteside @Thelordcurtis meh deserves to lose money on this by associating themselves with this brand
@DonWhiteside @Thelordcurtis Meh needs to lose money on this because they supported a company that’s in bed with fascist groups by buying off their overstock. We as consumers need to vote with our wallets and send the message that aiding fascists is not a profitable venture.
Thanks, all you lefty loons and right hand screws, for having kept politics out of this.
It’s a “democracy”, so be sure to shout down the other side.
@phendrick separation of meh and state!
@phendrick to be fair… they might as well have posted P01135809’s mugshot for sale on this one. BRCC is highly partisan, .
@medz If only…
@phendrick I agree with you on that one. I would rather not have to shout down the lefty loons because they hate a company that is right wing when I’m more in the center I have voted democrat and I voted Republican if it’s the right person that’s who I vote for, but it’s crazy how these people will buy billions of items from China who suppresses their people and puts them into slavery and half of these sweat shops but be damned if you buy coffee from a company in the USA that does none of that. are they perfect guaranteed they’re not, but they’re a hell of a lot better than a Chinese company over and out
@phendrick When the sides are fascists and not-fascists, and you are trying to defend the fascists… you should probably take a step back and actually think about what you’re doing, and why.
@phendrick All politics aside, this coffee just tastes terrible. Kind of leaves the lingering feeling of putting too much creamer in your coffee even when you don’t add any. Not sure what they’re doing to it.
@mehshark fuck you for your baseless accusation. I was not defending any fascists. I was commenting on how I do not come to this web site to read other people’s political rants.
ANTIFA is anti-fascist, as their name implies. Do you defend them and all their actions?
And fuck all those who starred your baseless accusation. They also are on record as being mindless.
@phendrick If someone is fighting fascism, then yes I support them.
Why are you trying to justify defending fascists?
OK, prove to me you know what you are doing and that you did think through it . Quote back to me exactly which sentence I posted above that was defending fascists?
You support ALL the rioting and destruction, a lot of it toward private minority-owned business, that ANTIFA was behind?
@phendrick You have a lot of reading to do, I think. Start with the Civil Rights Movement. Pay close attention to what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr had to say about the white moderates - people who would rather turn a blind eye to injustice than be inconvenienced by having to stand against it. Simply put, if the status quo and structures of power are built around oppression, it is literally impossible to effect changes without damaging and breaking those structures - this is also why socialism is so closely intertwined with these movements, because the roots of all of this go back to capitalism. You have to make up your mind - will you stand against injustice and be inconvenienced, or will you be a coward and allow injustices to keep taking place because you can’t be bothered to suffer through some minor inconvenience?
Next, you should probably find valid sources for your information. Blaming rioting and associated damages on antifa is a well-known bit of disinformation perpetuated by right-wing outlets. Don’t read from Fox, CNN, etc - get it direct from Reuters and Associated Press. The source information comes from those services in the first place, in most instances, and those services are some of the only objective/“just the facts, ma’am” news agencies left. Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and all the others place their own spin and agenda on top after they pull the information from Reuters and AP. Those outlets should all be categorized as “entertainment,” not “information.”
I’ve had these cans before & it’s a buy for this price if you need some convenient “to go” coffee in the fridge for those mornings when you don’t want to wait for your own to brew. BTW to both “sides” - nobody is gonna change their political views by reading a meh comment section .
@Commonwealth109 I doubt some will change their political views based on anything, including science, facts with evidence, or anything else at this point in this country. Unfortunately thoughtful political discourse between apposing sides appears to be a rare occurrence as it takes both sides to behave like adults and be rational for that to happen.
@Kidsandliz Says someone who starred a comment accusing me of defending fascists, with absolutely no reasoning behind it. Where was your “thoughtful political discourse” at the time?
@phendrick I apparently misread the comment I was staring. I was staring the criticism of the dichotomy presented. I didn’t catch, apparently the rest of it as I was only skimming this ugly mess. I have now unstared it. I still think all the political shit needs to stay off this forum. Mentioning the politics of the coffee company is one thing and worth knowing for those of us that care (as I’d do despite hating coffee). What this degenerated to is out of hand and inappropriate. As I said earlier adult, thoughtful discussion (in my opinion) is fine. This thread is mostly not that.
@Kidsandliz I am particularly sensitive to all this talk about “fascists”. The dumb shits on here have never witnessed true fascism, and the extremists on the far right in our country are nowhere close to such a thing.
My father was part of the World War II effort that fought the Nazis, the Blackshirts of Mussolini, and the minions of the Japanese Emperor. Those were actual fascists. Talk to some of their victims ( a few still living) if you want to know about true fascism. My father got wounded and a Purple Heart for his efforts.
When I was small and noticed the scar, he didn’t want to talk about it. And he stayed that way. I only knew he had a Purple Heart because I found it once when nosing around in some of his things.
He still had the scar when he died. I hold on to his Purple Heart.
He would truly be appalled at what goes on in this country now as “protest”.
When I see the ANTIFA group, I am reminded of the Blackshirts of Mussolini or the Brownshirts of Hitler. The only difference is these don’t usually march in formation. Likewise they don’t hold themselves accountable. It’s beyond me how any rational person can excuse their actions. Does the end really justify the means?
If your post above is an apology of sorts, I accept it. (I wonder if there will be any others. I won’t hold my breath.) Thanks for getting back to me.
@phendrick My apologies also for getting too caught up with the opening line and misreading the subsequent direct accusation. Like @kidsandliz, that certainly wasn’t my intention either. The post in context has been unstarred by me.
@phendrick One of my mom’s uncles was caught up in the war while running a university on the east coast of China. My dad was on a ship in the pacific. Where I grew up it was about a third Jewish (our public schools celebrated all Jewish and Christian holidays - which dragged school further into the summer to get our 180 days but as kids we didn’t realize that) and a number of my friend’s parents (who were kids at the time) and grandparents had tattoos from concentration camps. They mostly didn’t talk about it although made sure I knew they had them and was aware of what they meant.
@Kidsandliz @narfcake
Thank you for the reply.
@Kidsandliz @phendrick Same boat here. I starred a comment that to me was (correctly) implying the company that makes this coffee is reprehensible, and for my almost nonexistent effort, I got publicly blamed and shamed and told ‘fuck you’ and called mindless, along with a dozen and a half other members. This needs to stop. That action was way beyond acceptable.
@phendrick @PooltoyWolf It seems as if whenever politics comes up some people believe it is appropriate to become vicious, nasty, rude and engage in name calling. Clearly that bunch was not brought up right.
Stop it. Seriously. Keep it about the product or start a new topic.
So is the expiration date January 6?
@fargonia probably. Another marketing nod and wink to their target audience.
Will these help me improve my aim, first thing in the morning?
@phendrick Yeah, especially when you have a hangover.
It also improves your sieg heil salute!
Is this why the IRK was priced at 17.76 the other day? Some of you at Meh have gone the alt right Q route? Gross.
@cengland0 MMmmmmm…chicory root fiber
@cengland0 @Nikademus1969 aka inulin
@cengland0 @Nikademus1969 Chicory is adorable. We visited Virginia this summer and it grows wild everywhere.
@cengland0 @Nikademus1969 Is there anything wrong about chicory/inulin?
@cengland0 @crispy1260 @Nikademus1969 Aside from the fact that it causes intestinal irritation in a heck of a lot of people, did you need another reason to avoid it?
@cengland0 @Nikademus1969 @werehatrack Thank you for answering my question. Quick internet searches didn’t return anything that made me raise an eyebrow since it’s in root vegetables, onions, and garlic.
@cengland0 @crispy1260 @Nikademus1969 @werehatrack Eating a ton of garlic will also give a lot of people gas.
There is not enough coffee in the world to get me through reading all this shit.
Actual footage of me opening this thread:
@highonpez Me, trying to make it through the comments!
Politics aside. Iffy ingredients. I’m out.
@gfreek but it says PREMIUM ingredients!
Here’s a cat picture for ya.
@lisagd Problem solved.
These would make good coffee enemas?
@chiefbugbung Is that supposed to be a statement or a question?
@chiefbugbung @yakkoTDI Yes, I’m pretty sure it is a statement or a question.
@chiefbugbung @yakkoTDI it’s a questatement.
@chiefbugbung it’s a shit company, so probably.
Nutrition Facts
In addition to the fascist supporting company behind it, holy crapballs the image of a person opening one, that person has frightening hands. wtaf?
I had come here to make a snarky pun comment - something along the lines of: is this a kill you coffee made by a gun company? I was unaware of anything about the company, it’s politics, or even if the coffee sucked or not (I hate coffee, including the smell of it). Imagine my surprise with this thread.
Nice to see we can have an adult (/s) conversation going on here full of 5 year old name calling by a couple of people - especially one mehember. Sheesh. I can see meh will be back to banning politics on threads except ones with that in the title.
Today is a good day ro have no interest in coffee of any kind.
@werehatrack At Woot, I’ll usually post cat pics to balance out the signal-to-noise ratio.
@narfcake @werehatrack I’d buy a coffee machine it if gave me kittens… oh wait there is another meaning to kittens.
[South] “America’s Coffee” – 100% Colombian
WOW! Well today’s offering REALLY brought people out of the woodwork! I don’t think I’ve ever seen 20 plus consecutive likes/stars on the comment!
@Lynnerizer Meh is trying to amp up their engagement with a throwback midnight IRK and politics in chat! (They are a Texas company afterall)
Anybody got a truckload of Two if by Tea left they can get to Texas by the end of the week? I have a feeling it’ll really bring the engagement numbers up.
@djslack This is just a big engagement experiment-- first the midnight IRK, now this… Tomorrow it’ll be some failed pride merchandise from Target, and some bud light wine coolers on casemates
@caffeineguy @djslack lol, fair point. You might be on to something.
$39.96 for 24 at Sam’s Club
@jaybird links are helpful.
@cengland0 true, lol
11oz? I refuse to buy anything less than 13.5oz.
I’ve been accused of coffee snobbery on this very website before. Fresh ground, locally roasted, for me.
@j37hr0 I despise coffee, and I can still get behind that.
@j37hr0 of not local just coffee is a coop from the farmers to the roasters with good product
Any other brand and I would have been an easy customer. I’m not holding it against Meh that they are selling this product. It’s a bargain, which is their main deal. I hope they are as good as the last coffee bargain for the lucky customers who pick these up.
@crispy1260 I agree with you here. I feel that we all have permission to responsibly enjoy the fruits of labor from misguided humans, and boycotting an already-dead company is just wasted effort.
I’ll use the energy from the coffee to fight evil, and recycle the can.
@806D2701 @crispy1260 Except by purchasing this from Meh, you’re telling them that it’s okay that they supported a fascist-aligned company. BRCC would have had to take a complete loss on the overstock if Meh had not purchased it from them - instead of getting cents on the dollar, they would have gotten zero.
Nah, that would be someone making a mistake on how they choose to interpret liquidation sales data.
@crispy1260 I was literally cursed out by a senior executive during a contract negotiation because I wouldn’t give into their ridiculous demands. I walked away from the deal, it wasn’t worth it to me or my company to do business with a company that treats their vendors that way. Political leanings aside, I’ll never buy anything from them.
@hilwil, we’re in the same boat then. I will not be a customer because the product doesn’t interest me, given its marketing. I’d rather pick up a bag from Awesome Coffee Club and do some good in the world with my brew than support political theatre.
@806D2701 @mehshark This is under the assumption that there wouldn’t be other buyers. Worst case scenario, it goes to a fertilizer company. There isn’t a scenario in which BRCC wins if they are selling in-line products on Meh.com at this price.
@crispy1260 is that the hank green one?
@riskybryzness Yep.
Anyone else notice the complete lack of staff present in this dumpster fire thread?
@caffeineguy There’s absolutely no winning here. No matter what we say it will be attacked as a weak response or too heavy-handed. We’ve already done a bit of censoring as some comments/replies went over the line and strayed into personal attacks rather than just a defense of one’s position.
Also, I’m not here to defend (and sure as hell not to support) today’s offer, but I wanted to clarify that staff is present.
@ExtraMedium I figured y’all were present and thought I noticed a little thinning of the herd; can’t imagine any staff member was looking forward to losing a day playing forum babysitter. Dump the rest in the IRKs Or offload them with an equally polarizing item.
@caffeineguy @ExtraMedium Dump them in irks? You wanting to start WW3 on here? They better not ruin an irk reveal thread. I’d hate to see what that would degenerate into. Well unless they send them only to folks who support that company.
@Kidsandliz I’m not buying these on principle, but I’d probably drink 'em if they appeared in my fridge; That said, I did pick up a few almost-free cases of Bud Light when they were running the “oops we f-ed up” rebate promotion 2mos ago. Still tasted like piss water, but was basically free piss water.
@ExtraMedium Can you at least post a redacted oh-shit[storm] report when the dust settles on this dumpster fire?
@caffeineguy No promises, but if one happens there’s a good chance it’ll be public.
/showme 2 politically motivated polarized cats
Run by a liberal who donated to democrats, and he was sure to make a statement distancing BRCC from Rittenhouse when he was photographed wearing a BRCC shit.
@MilkyMoo According to the Business Insider article someone linked above,
Donald Trump endorsed the brand after meeting the founders, too.
@lisagd oh, Trump endorsed them?!? You won me over. I’ll buy 10 cases of it now!
Both Trump and BRCC can be garbage at the same time.
That was the point I was trying to make. Your post sounded like you were defending BRCC, or at least trying to make them seem less bad.
Oh, no, they’re basically posers, pretending to be all gruntly man with guns coffee, while at the same time supporting leftwing ideas and politicians. It’s disingenuous. Just because it’s veteran owned, doesn’t make them good people.
23 grams of sugar? Pass.
Kinda amazing how there’s like one post on the taste of the coffee and a gazillion on politics.
For all those making divisive comments, that is certainly a reflection of the state of our society.
Seems folks forget the golden rule “do unto others . . .”
I suppose it’s too much to ask for consistency - if you don’t support this coffee for its politics OR if you support this coffee because of its politics, then you wouldn’t buy anything made in any country that has politics very different than what you believe.
So can anyone comment please on the coffee, especially as compared to the past two canned coffees that meh has sold?
@hammi99 I have 2 rankings First ranking is Taste: I like 1) Rise the best, 2) Black Rifle Coffee, 3) Super Coffee; this isn’t to say Super Coffee doesn’t taste good (I like it as much as a ready to drink Frappucino in most cases) but it is hard to achieve the flavor profile others can with ingredients which are high protein (milk or pea for super coffee) and are sweetened with stevia and monk fruit whereas Black Rifle has actual sugar and Rise 10g of natural sugars
Second ranking Nutrition Profile 1) Super Coffee, 2) Rise, 3) Black Rifle Coffee
Super Coffee has protein, MCT’s and is naturally sweetened. Black Rifle has protein & some flavors have MCT’s & Aminos but also sugar. The Rise flavor Meh offered was organic and used Oatmilk and is naturally sweetened but does have 10g of sugar.
@faxtory thank you for that. I quite liked Rise, not a fan of Super Coffee. So this seems in between. Will give it a whirl and see. I didn’t like how Super Coffee tastes similar to artificial sweeteners.
@hammi99 the other thing that made the Rise great is it was nitro infused (in addition to being organic)
Make them cry with your memes and then make memes about them crying.
@umbrellacorp maga are some of the biggest crybaby perpetual victims ever.
It seems people have feelings about things this morning!
/giphy feelings
Oh noes! It’s fascist coffee!!! Where’s my fainting couch?
@donpratt Go post your need for one on the thread where they asked what people wanted them to offer.
Product: 24-Pack: Black Rifle Coffee Company Espresso Mocha
Model: 36-003
Condition: New
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$72.98 for 24 at Amazon
$69.98 for 24 at Walmart
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Friday, Sep 8 - Monday, Sep 11
I was just trying to scroll through the comments to see if people recommended the flavor profile or not. Turns out, I should’ve just scrolled straight to the bottom because that’s where the answer was.
@nonlion lol, I thought it was good. I’m a little shocked this is the 11oz cans though. I’ve only seen the tall boys
Funny, nobody in Wyoming, a very red state, has bought any of this.
@Kyeh but someone in Kansas bought 3. States that bought 2, Idaho, Montana, the Dakotas… kinda expected. But Kansas?
@ironcheftoni Maybe the staunch supporter who defended them so strongly here lives in Kansas!
@ironcheftoni @Kyeh Kansas has huge sparsely populated red areas. I used to drive through them on a semi-regular basis, and the signage made their leanings pretty clear.
@ironcheftoni @werehatrack
Solidly red.
@ironcheftoni @Kyeh Wichita would be a tiny blue dot, as would a few parts of the KC area, but the rest…
Oddly enough, just like a lot of the rest of the country, most of the folks there are remarkably tolerant and accommodating individually. It’s when they gather in groups that they seem to change and adopt the mob mentality. (One should not count on this everywhere, though.)
Put these in an Irk and I’ll film a video of me shooting them. Boom!
/giphy target-practice
I thought the days of mediocre labs experiments were over and then they go and post a deal like this.
@customers Hey, coffee buyers - we’ve got more of the Black Rifle coffee up at Meh today if you’re running low or just want to stock up
N.B.: The heckling was pretty much covered in the current writeup in my opinion, so there wasn’t as much need for either righteous indignation, slavish devotion, questioning of the need for something vile, or other such commentary as last time. Not that this has deterred any of it.
They also serve who only point and smirk.
Nice dance to avoid answering my question.
I don’t disagree about the importance of MLK. Funny, as I recall, he was all about non-violence, however.
Sounds like you might have been one of those in the black hoods and masks. (MLK and his supporters were afraid of those in white ones, so nice turnaround.)
I assume you cannot answer my question about quoting what I said to defend “fascists”, so will just post other shit.
(Little bit down here removed by your friendly neighborhood VolMod)
/giphy wow
me reading this entire thread. feels like the good old days of meh.
Can you tell who the last person to buy was? Because that’s quite the honor. Also, I didn’t read the thread, but with over 200 comments it must be enthralling!
It’s still available to buy. 🫤
@Kyeh Why is it still available? Just like maga supporters, they can’t accept that it is over.
@Kyeh @medz In case you hadn’t noticed, Meh has left the sale active for at least a day after it gets replaced most of the time for the past year or two. Only sold-out and 'Thon listings are routinely disabled at rollover. I’ve seen a few that persisted for a week.
@medz @werehatrack I’d noticed.
@Kyeh @werehatrack I thought they only left it up for a few hours after midnight for VMP or Members. What happened to the perks?!
I hadn’t noticed. No reason to check if a deal is still available if I didn’t want it the day before.
@Kyeh @medz A couple of times, I’ve taken advantage when accidental added research showed that it was a better deal than it seemed, for something I could use.
@Kyeh @werehatrack still available. Meh has gone full Amazon. Where is the search bar?!
@medz @werehatrack
Oh, that’s weird!
@Kyeh @medz And just now I checked, still up. So much for a deal a day. They must have a ton of that stuff left over to leave it up so long.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh maybe it’ll be live one day for every year the Jan 6th traitors will be in jail.